Rebonds, catch the survey on the fly!

How can we design economic policies that are equal to the climate emergency? How can we ensure that economy and ecology are two facets of a socially and spatially inclusive and sustainable project? To answer this question, we launched the Rebonds action-research program in October 2023. We now retrace in a notebook (download here ) the findings of the first phase of this program, a collective investigation into the 8 paradigm shifts we believe are necessary to design and implement new economic development policies. It is aimed at Rebonds’ partners and local authorities, and at all those who question the evolution of local economic development policies.

We put Rebonds back into perspective, from a research point of view, with regard to the transition challenges facing territories(Le monde est en crise et les services de développement économique aussi, by Magali Talandier). We then retrace the genesis and method of the program(Un programme pour repenser les politiques de développement économique) before returning to the notion of “new economic development models” and the potential of approaches such as the Donut economy, community wealth building, the inclusive economy, etc. to help communities reorient their economic development strategies(De nouveaux modèles à l’épreuve du terrain by Gabriel Renault). We tell you what we’ve learned from our collective survey(Les nouveaux paradigmes du développement économique), and the experimental ideas we’ve drawn from it(Six pistes d’expérimentation, pour aller plus loin). Finally, we took these lessons and intuitions a step further in a fictional exercise to transform them into 5 archetypes of economic development services for tomorrow… to be put into perspective with the astonishing report from our colleagues at France Urbaine and Intercommunalités de France(Développement économique, l’heure de la métamorphose).
Last but not least, a bonus test to find out where you stand(Which players in systemic change are you?).

Download the deliverable here

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